Julie Peterson Photography
Over the weekend in the middle of September I had to opportunity to visit Island Park, Idaho and Yellowstone in Wyoming. I was able to practice light painting. My Professor Caryn Esplin was able to teach us various styles of light painting. I have posted these styles and explained to process in this post. It was an amazing experience. I was surrounded by so many of God’s beautiful creations. I am so grateful for my Professor and all she has taught me and my fellow classmates. Photography and Edits done by Julie Peterson

ISO:100 | f:10.0 | 10 sec
HDR + Light painting = Caryn Esplin Style. This image was captured at Yellowstone National Park. To capture this image I had my camera on a tripod. I used the setting listed above. Then Caryn Esplin had a spot light and painted the water and the steam. This image is 3 shots. I set my brackets to over expose and under expose the image. I then blended the images in Photomatix. I then brought the image in the Bridge and Photoshop to do some miner edits.

ISO:100 | f:10.0 | 10 sec
This photo was inspired by Dave Black.

ISO:100 | f:16.0 | 20 sec
This image was captured in Island Park, Idaho. To capture this image I had my camera on a tripod. I used the setting listed above. Then several of my classmates painted the barn. This image is 3 shots. I set my brackets to over expose and under expose the image. I then blended the images in Photomatix. I then brought the image in the Bridge and Photoshop to do some miner edits.

ISO:400 | f:15.0 | 15 sec
This image was fun. I used the same process as the images above. The “Caryn Esplin Light Painting.” I liked this photo because of the movement of my classmates that was captured.

ISO:400 | f:15.0 | 15 sec

ISO:100 | f:11.0 | 20 sec
These next couple of images I tried the Dave Blacks / Caryn Esplin table top light painting. I had my camera on a tripod and used a LED flashlight to paint light onto the subject. I brought the images in to Bridge and did some exposure adjustments.

ISO:100 | f:11.0 | 15 sec

ISO:100 | f:11.0 | 15 sec

ISO:100 | f:11.0 | 15 sec

ISO:100 | f:11.0 | 15 sec

ISO:100 | f:11.0 | 15 sec

ISO:400 | f:16.0 | 30 sec
The next images were just normal light painting. I did not do multiple images.

Dave Black inspired this photo. He likes to add people to his images and take light painting portraits.
Photography and Edits done by Julie Peterson