I submitted two photos into the Photographic Society contest. The first image I lowered my shutter to 1/200 sec speed and shot with a smaller aperture, so that I could get the details in the sky. I had to turn on my fill flash so that I would light up his face. I actually had to increase my fill flash so that it was +0.75. I then brought the photo into Photoshop and adjusted using a levels adjustment layer. I used the dodge tool to lighten the shadows on his face. The second image I thought the ceiling falling apart was so beautiful (I know way weird, but that is art) and i wanted to capture it. I just took the shot and loved how it turned out. The only problem is that there is so much to look at my eyes do not know were to look, so I decided a boarder would help keep my eyes within the frame. I also added an adjustment layer-levels to the image.
I chose this contest, because I just went to Ashton with Sister Esplin and some of my classmates, for fun. It was not an assignment, so I wanted to use some of the photos I had taken. I noticed that a lot of them symbolized endurance especially the second image so, I entered into the contest. It was fun to see what they were doing in Photographic Society and to see the other members work. Unfortunately the time they meet and my schedule did not work, so I could not become a member, but it is definitively something I am looking forward to in the future.
Submitted on 6/14/11 to:
Date: 6-11-2011; Ashton, Id; F-Stop: 11; Shutter Speed: 1/200 sec; Focal Length: 55.0 mm; File Flash; Model: Canon EOS REBEL T1i
Date: 6-11-2011; Ashton, Id; F-Stop: 5; Shutter Speed: 1/64 sec; Focal Length: 35.0 mm; Model: Canon EOS REBEL T1i
Date: 6-11-2011; Ashton, Id; F-Stop: 5; Shutter Speed: 1/64 sec; Focal Length: 35.0 mm; Model: Canon EOS REBEL T1i