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Leadership Conference |

Leadership Conference

Posted by on Jan 28, 2013 in Blog, Featured Images, Models, Portraits | 2 comments

These set of photo are for a flyer that the Comm 130 students will use for their Leadership Conference flyer project.  I had so much fun shooting these wonderful models in Rexburg, Idaho.  We took them in various locations in the Spori.  Special Thanks to AJ Buruca and Megan Bennett who assisted me in taking photos!

A BIG THANKS to our models Joshua Peterson, Danielle Peterson, Megan Bennett, Joseph Kivett, AJ Buruca

Photography and Edits done by Julie Peterson. Images owned by JP Photography.

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Josh Peterson

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Josh Peterson and Dani Peterson

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Josh Peterson and Joseph Kivett

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Josh Peterson, Joseph Kivett, and Megan Bennett

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Dani Peterson and Megan Bennett


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Joseph Kivett


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Megan Bennett


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Dani Peterson and AJ Buruca


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This next image was taken by AJ of myself that I am going to use for my professional profile pictures.  Thanks AJ!  To see more of AJ’s work visit his site www.ajburuca.com. Edits are done by Julie Peterson.

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These next images are were taken my Megan Bennett.  To see more of Megan’s work visit her site meganbennettdesign.wordpress.com Edits are done by Julie Peterson.

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  1. 1-28-2013

    Julie! These are amazing. I really love how they all turned out. There is so much I can say about each of them, but I will keep it short and say that I really love how the eyes turned out on all of the images.

  2. 1-29-2013

    Julie, (amd Megan) you knocked this shoot out of the park! I love them all, but my favorites are:
    1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29

    Thank you so much for shooting these. They will nice for Comm 130 students to use and you will officially have your work in my book as well! Woo-hoo :)

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