This was such a fun project. I first got the idea when I was in Las Vegas for Photoshop world. I saw the beautiful Tiffany & Co. and new that was going to be the backdrop to my poster. The photo was not easy to get as you can tell it was dark. I lowered my shutter speed and propped my camera on a near by newspaper bin because I did not have my tripod. I am so glad it was late at night because the stairway is the coolest part of this image. The other image I took in my house with my own homemade studio. It is a self portrait. I then cut myself out of the background using the Direct Select and the Refine Edge tool. I touched myself up and sharpened the image a little more then I brought that and my Tiffany photo together. I did some more cleaning up and then put in my text. I am so excited with how this turned out and absolutely had fun creating it.