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Panoramic Blend |

Panoramic Blend

Posted by on May 16, 2011 in Blog, Panoramic Blend, Places, Rexburg, ID | 0 comments


Date: 5-25-2011; Bannack, Montana; F-Stop: 9.0; Shutter Speed: 1/160; Focal Length: 36.0 mm; Model: Canon EOS REBEL T1i;

Rexy Valley

Date: 5-14-2011; Rexburg, Idaho; F-Stop: 10.0; Shutter Speed: 1/3200; Focal Length: 44.0 mm; Model: Canon EOS REBEL T1i; Tripod

My Panoramic shoot.  This one was fun, because everything I learned here was new to me.  I took this image on a tripod but loosened my screw so that I was able to twist the camera instead of the Tripod.  I took six images and placed them in photoshop using Photomerge, it took a while because of the file size.  Then once all the photos were merged I used the Content Aware Fill, this then filled in the edges of the photo.  It did such a great job that I did not need to crop the photo instead I cleaned it up a little using the spot tool and healing spot tool.  Once I completed that I used an Adjustment Layer and applied the Levels tool to the image to increase contrast lighten the photo and darken the midtowns.  I then selected the shadows and lightened them.  I then resized the image and this was the results.  Overall it was a fun, challenging project for me!

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